Experienced, Exceptional Team

Demonstrated In Our Results

Since 1968, our personal injury attorneys have obtained numerous multimillion-dollar settlements and verdicts for clients all across the state of Ohio.

No Fee Unless You Win

Experienced, Exceptional Team

Demonstrated In Our Results

Since 1968, our personal injury attorneys have obtained numerous multimillion-dollar settlements and verdicts for clients all across the state of Ohio.

Common Types Of Doctor Errors

When the doctor gives a diagnosis or assures us there is nothing to worry about, most of us trust that doctor. But when a physician makes a mistake, that mistake could prove fatal or cause serious injury.

Doctor malpractice cases often involve a failure to diagnose an illness or disease or failure to provide the proper treatment. Other examples include:

  • Failure to diagnose cancer: By failing to do an indicated chest X-ray or by misreading a mammogram result, there could be a long delay in treatment — a delay that is too late to save the patient’s life or that increases the risk the patient faces.
  • Misreading and misinterpreting lab tests: If a doctor misreads or misinterprets a lab test, he or she is negligent. For example, when a lab test indicates an iron overload or excess iron in the blood (possible hemochromatosis) or excess sugar in the blood (possible diabetes), and the doctor fails to diagnose or treat the patient, the patient’s illness could become worse or even fatal.
  • Prescription mistakes: Did the physician prescribe the proper medication in the recommended dosage? Were the instructions clear? Prescribing the wrong drug or over-prescribing a drug can be dangerous to the patient.
  • Misreading an X-ray, CT scan or MRI: By misreading test results, a negligent doctor could fail to treat an illness or treat the wrong illness. The result could be a wrongful death.

Representing People Injured From Physician Negligence For 50 Years

At Lamkin, Van Eman, Trimble & Dougherty, LLC, our firm has been handling medical malpractice and other personal injury cases for 50 years.

We have represented injured people and the families of wrongful death victims in Columbus and throughout Ohio in many different situations. We have the skill, expertise and resources to investigate your claim.

Email us now or call 614-360-2706 to schedule a free consultation to learn more about the law and how our experienced medical malpractice lawyers can help you.

Learn more about our attorneys and our past settlements and verdicts.