Accidents happen. Sometimes they happen through bizarre coincidences, and sometimes they happen through negligence. Three survivors of a crash from last summer believe that negligence was a factor in their accident and have recently filed a wrongful death lawsuit in...
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Since 1968, our personal injury attorneys have obtained numerous multimillion-dollar settlements and verdicts for clients all across the state of Ohio.
Month: June 2013
Ohio nursing home has its license revoked due to patient neglect
Aging can be a difficult process -- not just on the elderly but on an elderly person’s family as well. Watching your loved one fade from the vibrant, robust person he once was to a shadow of himself is a difficult thing to do -- especially if he reaches a point where...
Drivers beware voice-activated technology
It's against the law to text and drive in Ohio. It's also illegal for drivers under the age of 18 to talk on a cellphone while driving. Ohio's restrictions on cellphone use while driving were enacted in response to a growing number of serious and fatal car accidents...
Nursing home neglect and abuse severely underreported
Many Ohio residents grapple with how to care for aging grandparents, parents and other elderly loved ones. In many cases, family members may try to take on caring for aging relatives. However, as physical and mental aliments persist and advance, many are forced...