Nursing homes are intended to provide a place of care and safety for the frail and elderly. Loved ones who place their relatives in a nursing home do not take the decision lightly, and it can be difficult to place all trust in the care providers. Unfortunately, there...
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Nursing Home Neglect
Interdisciplinary teams unite to stop elder abuse in Ohio
They say that a nation can be judged by how it treats its weakest citizens -- which include the disabled and the elderly. Unfortunately, the elderly are a high-risk population when it comes to abuse and neglect. The longer that people live, the less likely they are to...
Nursing home neglect and your loved one
Nursing home abuse is more common than you might expect. Each year, thousands of residents at long-term care facilities are either injured or lose their lives because they don't receive an adequate level of care. Among the many types of neglectful behavior these...
Types of nursing home abuse and neglect
Making the decision to put your loved in a nursing home is difficult. The last thing you want to realize is that your loved one is being abused or neglected. Physical abuse and neglect can sometimes be easy to see. It's other types of abuse and neglect that can occur...
How can an ombudsman stop nursing home neglect?
Nursing home neglect and abuse is a serious problem in many of the nation's nursing homes and assisted living centers. Our seniors should never have to deal with neglect and abuse on any level. If it does occur, though, who can help? One person who can help is an...
Signs your loved one may have fallen victim to nursing home abuse
Whether it be neglecting a nursing home resident's basis hygiene, not rendering necessary assistance with eating, or forcing them to remain bedridden because no accommodations are made for their mobility; these are just some of the many examples of nursing home abuse....
Signs of dehydration in the elderly
Dehydration is one of the biggest problems that the elderly face in assisted living centers. On its own, it does not necessarily mean that a resident is being abused or neglected, but it can be a warning sign that family members need to watch out for. It could mean...
Who can report nursing home abuse in Ohio?
The National Center for Elder Abuse reports that two groups of people are abused in nursing homes more than others. These are older residents and female residents. In addition, the NCEA also reported that during a three-year period, a third of U.S. nursing homes...
How common are adverse drug events?
It's been said that very few medical settings are as challenging as the nursing home. Almost all patients have multiple medical issues, for example, making it chaotic and complex. On top of that, 70 percent of those in nursing homes are dealing with some level of...
Signs of nursing home abuse shows a need to take action
Nursing home abuse and neglect are horrible actions that put people who count on others to care for them in danger. The dangers are horrible and can lead to elderly patients being harmed or even killed. In our previous blog post, we discussed the horror of...