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Since 1968, our personal injury attorneys have obtained numerous multimillion-dollar settlements and verdicts for clients all across the state of Ohio.

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Experienced, Exceptional Team

Demonstrated In Our Results

Since 1968, our personal injury attorneys have obtained numerous multimillion-dollar settlements and verdicts for clients all across the state of Ohio.

Medical care after a brain injury can be very expensive

On Behalf of | Dec 10, 2015 | Brain Injury |

When you suffer from a brain injury, there are a lot of unknowns that you will face. You might be unsure of exactly how much the injury will affect you. There might be some question as to how your brain is healing from the injuries. In some cases, you might have swelling on your brain. We know that thinking about all the unknowns of the future isn’t going to make your life easy right now.

We can help you to explore the options that you have for seeking compensation. If you have considerable medical care, compensation might help you to get some of your medical bills taken care of. Compensation can also help you to get other costs associated with the injury taken care of.

When you think about it, if you had to have brain surgery, the cost is humongous. Even a seemingly simple procedure like inserting an intraventricular catheter to monitor pressure on the brain and relieve that pressure can cost a lot of money. The cost is only one factor. You also had to deal with them doing the procedure. You had to live with the catheter coming out of your head. The pain and discomfort are also factors to consider.

We know that nothing about your recovery is pleasant. We know that you don’t want to have to go through all of the procedures and rehabilitation. We can’t take away the need for you to go through those, but we can help you to seek the compensation that will help you to afford the treatments that you need to recover as much as possible from the brain injury.