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Since 1968, our personal injury attorneys have obtained numerous multimillion-dollar settlements and verdicts for clients all across the state of Ohio.

The causes of fatal car accidents in Ohio

On Behalf of | Mar 27, 2018 | Car Accidents |

The causes of fatal accidents in Ohio can vary by a significant degree. In some cases, the accident may be caused by driver error; in other cases, the issue may have been with the road conditions.

The most frequent cause attributed to vehicle accident fatalities is human error. The most publicized example in this category is drunk or impaired driving. Alcohol and drugs can affect a driver’s motor skills, making a collision more likely. Another example is distracted driving. It’s not uncommon for drivers to look at their phone while driving, but taking their eyes off the road can lead to rear-end collisions if they’re not paying close attention.

Not every collision is due to the fault of a driver: Weather plays a significant role in many accidents. Rain, snow and ice can make traction on a highway difficult and lead to single- or multiple-vehicle accidents. Fog and rain can lead to low visibility that affects a driver’s responsiveness. Another cause of fatal collisions is faulty road design. Some states have designed their roads in a way that leads to increased accidents involving blind intersections, tight turns and missing shoulders.

When an individual is killed in a vehicle accident due to the negligence or error of another, the estate of that individual may have a claim for damages including medical bills, pain and suffering, future earnings and funeral costs. An attorney with experience in auto accident injuries compensation may be able to help the survivors of that individual collect damages. An attorney may be able to file a lawsuit, file motions and seek discovery responses while preparing for a jury trial. Alternatively, the attorney might negotiate a settlement with the responsible party or their insurance company.