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Since 1968, our personal injury attorneys have obtained numerous multimillion-dollar settlements and verdicts for clients all across the state of Ohio.

Why patients struggle to get a migraine diagnosis

On Behalf of | Jan 21, 2019 | Medical Malpractice |

Ohio residents who have a migraine could experience symptoms that mimic other common conditions. For instance, if a person has recently experienced a concussion, a doctor may believe a headache or sensitivity to light are signs of post-concussion syndrome. If an individual experiences nausea or vomiting, a doctor may suspect a panic attack. In some cases, panic attacks can be brought on by the presence of a migraine or not knowing why symptoms are occurring.

Those who experience a ringing in their ear or vertigo may be diagnosed with Meniere’s Disease. It is an inner ear disorder that has some of the same symptoms of a migraine. In some cases, a person who experiences a migraine will also experience aura. Aura can cause problems such as numbness or an inability to speak clearly. This may result in a medical professional diagnosing a migraine sufferer with epilepsy.

Individuals who take medication could get headaches as a side effect of taking them. Therefore, patients could be diagnosed with medication headaches even if they are really dealing with a migraine. Sinus headaches can also be confused with migraines because they can both cause pain in the face and forehead. However, a sinus headache is actually an infection, and they don’t occur often.

A person who has been improperly diagnosed by a medical professional may have grounds for a lawsuit. If an error rises to the level of malpractice, it may be possible to obtain compensation for medical bills, lost wages and other damages. Evidence of malpractice may include ignoring symptoms or ignoring notes or other records provided by a patient’s previous doctor. Malpractice may also occur if a doctor prescribes medication based on an improper diagnosis that harms a patient.